A Guide to Keeping Your Pet's Teeth Clean

dog with dentist

Just like humans, pets can suffer from dental issues, which, if left untreated, can lead to more serious and expensive health problems. In this quick guide, we'll delve into effective strategies for maintaining your pet's oral hygiene, highlighting the importance of regular dental care. We understand that brushing your pet’s teeth can be incredibly difficult and often stressful, so we have some easy and effective solutions to help your pet achieve healthy teeth and gums. 


Understanding the Importance of Dental Care 

Research indicates that dental disease is one of the most common health issues among pets, affecting approximately 80% of dogs and 70% of cats by the age of two. Dental problems not only cause discomfort and pain but can also lead to complications such as tooth loss, infections, and even organ damage if bacteria from the mouth enters the bloodstream. Scary stuff! 


Signs Your Pet Has Dental Issues 

  • Plaque or tartar build up on the teeth 
  • Bad breath  
  • Bleeding, red, or swollen gums 
  • Discoloured teeth 
  • A change in eating habits (may indicate tooth pain) 
  • Fractured or missing teeth 

Daily Dental Care Routine 

Establishing a consistent dental care routine is key to preventing dental issues in your pet. Here are some essential tips to incorporate into your daily routine: 



Just like humans, pets benefit from regular brushing. Use a pet-specific toothbrush and toothpaste to gently clean your pet's teeth. Start slowly and gradually increase the duration of brushing sessions as your pet becomes more comfortable. Remaining positive and having patience's is key to success when it comes to brushing your pet’s teeth. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so take it slow initially. 


Dental Chews for Dogs 

Treat your pet to natural dental chews like Antler Chews or Fish Skin Sticks. Chewing on these abrasive, long-lasting treats helps remove plaque and tartar buildup whilst also providing mental stimulation for your pet. 


Dental Supplements for Pets 

You could also try a natural Dental Spray - this product is super-quick and easy to use to freshen your pet's breath and reduce bacteria in their mouth. Used daily, it is a quick and convenient solution to help maintain oral hygiene. 

If your pet isn’t a fan of sprays, a Plaque Removal Powder containing 100% natural ingredients is perfect for sprinkling over their meals daily whilst giving them the benefits of plaque and tartar removing, preventing dental issues developing. 


Dental Treats 

Reward your pet with natural Dental Treats which have been specifically formulated to promote oral health. These are a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone, giving your pet a tasty treat whilst supporting their dental hygiene.  

How To Brush Your Pet’s Teeth 

Step 1: Introduce Your Pet to Toothbrushing 

  • Let your pet sniff and lick the toothbrush and toothpaste. 
  • Offer praise and rewards for positive associations. 

Step 2: Choose the Right Tools 

  • Use a pet-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. 
  • Ensure the toothbrush fits comfortably in your pet's mouth. 

Step 3: Establish a Comfortable Environment 

  • Choose a quiet, comfortable area for brushing. 
  • Use a stable surface and non-slip mat to prevent slipping. 

Step 4: Introduce Toothbrushing Gradually 

  • Massage your pet's gums with your finger. 
  • Introduce the toothbrush gradually, using circular motions. 

Step 5: Be Patient and Persistent 

  • Start with short brushing sessions and increase gradually. 
  • Remain calm and reassuring if your pet becomes anxious. 

Step 6: Reward and Reinforce Positive Behaviour 

  • Reward your pet with praise and treats after each session. Eventually, they’ll grow to enjoy it once they realise, they’ll get rewarded for it. 
  • Aim for consistency with 2-3 brushing sessions per week, gradually increase this to brushing every day. 



Maintaining your pet's dental health is a responsibility that should not be overlooked. By implementing some simple interventions using natural dental products into your pet's daily routine, you can help to keep their teeth and gums clean, while keeping that ‘pet breath’ at bay. Remember, a healthy mouth leads to a happier, healthier pet for years to come. 

If your pet does experience any of the symptoms outlined earlier, such as bleeding, redness, or swollen gums, if they have any fractured/missing teeth; or if you are seriously concerned about any other element of their dental health, we always recommend that you consult your vet.



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1 comment

My dog turned 3 on Sunday.
A few weeks ago I noticed her ‘fang’ teeth were mainly brown with tartar. So a couple of weeks ago I bought some of your plaque powder, wow I can’t tell you the difference already. I honestly didn’t think I would see much difference so soon. What a great product.

Diane Catterall

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