Top 10 Tips On Keeping Your Dog Safe During Hot Weather

Top 10 Tips On Keeping Your Dog Safe During Hot Weather

With the temperature rising, it’s time to prioritise your dog’s health and wellbeing!

As a parent, it can sometimes be scary, and you may feel overwhelmed when it comes to looking after your dog's health and wellbeing. Luckily Pets Purest are on hand to offer our top 10 tips for keeping your canine companion safe and well this summer.


1. Create Dog-Friendly Lollipops

 A great way to keep your dog cool in the summertime is by creating some dog-friendly lollipops!

There are loads of doggy-friendly recipes online, however if you’re pushed for time then why not use something like our beef bone broth to create a tasty and nutritious frozen treat. Simply pour into a mould and pop in the freezer for a couple of hours. You could also put some dog-friendly peanut butter inside a Kong or spread it on a lick mat before freezing. Not only is this a great way to cool your pup down, but it also provides great mental stimulation too.


2. Regularly Groom Your Dog

Especially if you have medium- to long -hair dog, regularly grooming them and keeping them free of excess hair is a great way to keep them cool and allow them to better regulate their temperature. This will also allow you to keep an eye out for those nasty summertime pests, such as fleas or ticks.


3. Limit Your Dog’s Exercise

As much as your dog may love to run around for prolonged periods of time, when it’s reaching temperatures of 20°C, they could be at increased risk of heatstroke. It’s important that you still take your dog out for regular exercise, however try to do that in the early mornings or evenings when it’s cooler.

If your dog still seems to have a high level of energy after walks, try giving them a frozen lick mat, as this can be mentally stimulating for them which will help to reduce their levels of stress and is a great boredom-buster.


4. Cooling Mats, Toys, Bandanas and Vests

Cooling mats usually contain a soothing gel that remains cool without having to be frozen. These are great to place in the home, whether that’s in the living room or in your dog's crate, providing a nice cool surface to lie on.

Another option to help keep your canine companion cool during warmer weather is by using cooling bandanas or vests, depending on what your dog is comfortable with.

If your dog loves toys, then cooling toys are another great way to keep them cool and entertained. These usually need to be put in the freezer, so it’s good to have a couple you can rotate between.


5. Apply Dog-Friendly Sunscreen

Not only is it important for humans to wear sunscreen when exposed to UV rays, but your dogs should too!

Even if your pet isn’t out in the sun for long periods of time, their skin may still get hot and bothered. Using moisturising products like our coconut nose and paw balm is a great way to help rehydrate any exposed skin, such as paws, nose, and ears. Regular application will ensure that the skin is soothed and protected during hot weather.


6. Ensure Access to Shade and Water

Whether you’re out on a walk, a day out, or just pottering around the garden, it’s vital that your dog always has access to shade and fresh, clean drinking water. This is essential for cooling your dog down in hot weather.

When out and about, consider investing in a portable water bowl. These collapsible bowls are great as they are extremely convenient and you can refill as much as needed.

If you are at home, consider popping a few ice cubes in your dog’s water bowl to keep it nice and cool throughout the day.


7. Splash Out on a Paddling Pool

Paddling pools are not only a great way to keep your dog cool in hot weather, but they also provide hours of fun! A hard plastic paddling pool works best, as these tend to be more structurally sound than an inflatable pool, which could be more easily damaged by a rogue nail from one of their paws.

Not all dogs enjoy the water, so be mindful that they may not find the idea as enticing as you do. If your pet is a little hesitant to jump right in, you may want to encourage them by providing positive reinforcement or even putting their favourite toys in the water.


8. Never Leave Your Dog in Hot Rooms or Cars

It’s the old classic, however you’d be amazed how many people still make this mistake. You should never leave your pet in a hot room (such as a conservatory) or cars, even if it’s just for a short amount of time. With an outdoor temperature of 20°C, some dogs will already be at risk of heatstroke. In environments like conservatories or cars, the temperature can easily rise to fatal levels very quickly.

Always ensure that the area is well-ventilated by having windows open to allow for air flow.


9. Be Wary of Fleas & Ticks

Peak flea season happens in the summertime (between June and September), when breeding conditions are just right. It’s important to be vigilant and take proactive steps to help ensure that your pet is protected against those pesky pests!

Some traditional flea treatments are difficult to administer or may contain chemicals and insecticides that are harmful to the environment. You should consider all of your options, however there are a range of natural non-invasive alternatives that you can incorporate into your dog’s regular healthcare routine, such as our 100% natural flea & tick spray.

You should also regularly check your four-legged friend for any unwanted hitch-hikers by combing through their fur, paying particular attention around their ears, tail, belly and between their toes. For more information about ticks, read our blog here.


10. Keep on Top of Allergies

Just as humans experience hay fever in the summertime, dogs can also feel the effects of certain summer allergies. You can try to avoid outdoor grassy areas where there’s likely to be pollen, however where’s the fun in that?!

If your dog has started sneezing, has a running nose, has itchy, red, or watery eyes, an itchy nose, a postnasal drip, or a cough, it’s likely that they are suffering from some sort of allergy.

Certain products will help to ease their symptoms, such as our itchy skin relief spray which can be great for providing your pet with fast acting relief. If you know that your dog suffers with regular ongoing allergies however, you could look at incorporating an allergy supplement into their regular diet, such as our allergy and itch drops.


Heatstroke Symptoms in Dogs

Although, we have given you the top tips and tricks to keep your dog cool in hot weather, it’s important that you are aware of the signs of heatstroke so you can get your dog the help they need.

  • Heavy panting and difficulty breathing
  • Excessively drooling
  • The dog appears lethargic, drowsy, or uncoordinated
  • Collapsed or vomiting

If your dog is experiencing any of these symptoms, you must contact your vet immediately.


Hot Weather Ready

Now that you are equipped with our top 10 summertime tips to keep your dog safe in the sun, it’s time to get out there and enjoy it!

Don't forget to tag us in your summer selfies across all our social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram with @petspurest and #PetsPurest – we can’t wait to see your four-legged friend living their best summer life.

Make sure you come back and visit our Blog & Advice Hub regularly for more helpful advice on how to help keep your pet feeling healthy from the inside out! 


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